Ads management

Apart from regular social media accounts, you can also add your online advertising accounts to SE Ranking and analyze the most relevant data from your campaigns. The most powerful advertising systems, including Google ads, Facebook ads, and Instagram ads, are available for integration. 


Google ads

You can create your own account on Google ads, start from scratch, and analyze the ads using our SMM tool. Or you can link your existing Google ads account to SE Ranking and view all the metrics related to your ad campaign. Moreover, you will get the following:

  • All your ad stats and information in one place.
  • Ability to create reports and view the analytics of your campaigns.
  • Possibility to compare the performance of your active ads.

You will be provided with a table that includes all your campaigns and their corresponding metrics (e.g., the reach, results, and performance of your ads).

Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads

Connect Facebook Ads with SE Ranking to get the most out of your ad campaigns. You will also be able to:

  • See the reach of your ads.
  • View the results of your ad campaigns.
  • Check the performance of your Facebook ads.
  • Download reports.
  • Promote posts directly without Facebook Ads.

TikTok ads

If you connect your TikTok business account to our platform, you will be able to measure the results of your campaigns including:

  • Reach of your campaigns
  • Results: information about clicks and conversions.
  • Performance: metrics related to the cost of the campaigns.