Profile settings

Here you can adjust your personal profile settings and change the information specified during registration:

1. Your avatar.
Upload an image in the .JPG, .GIF or .PNG format (32x32 pixels), maximum size 10 KB. Once added, your avatar will be displayed at the top of the site.

2. Email.
Here you can change the email you specified during registration (the one required for authorization).

3. First and Last name.
Please enter your first and last name. The first name will be displayed at the top of the site next to your avatar. We will also use your name to communicate with you.

4. Phone number.
Specify a phone number: it can be used to solve technical issues related to your projects.

5. Current password.
To change the password, enter your current first.

6. New password.
Specify and confirm new password in the respective fields.

7. To save the changes, click "Apply Changes".